May 2024 Minutes

Town of Bayview

May 7, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chair.

Roll Call:  Chair Don Jenicek, present; Supervisor Bill Bodin, present; Supervisor Mike Garnich, present; Clerk Kim Suske, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present.

Others in attendance:  Mike Yonan, Erika Lang.

Town Board Meeting Minutes from April 16, 2024:  Motion made by Bill Bodin to approve as written; seconded by Mike Garnich.  Motion carried.

Road Tour Minutes from May 6, 2024:  Motion made by Don Jenicek to approve with one correction; seconded by Bill Bodin.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report by Kelly Warren:  Checking $28,872.09; Equipment $3397.94; Room Tax $6463.90; Contingency Fund $20,004.00, and Tax Levy Savings $74,055.44.

Citizen’s Concerns and Comments:  None.

HFNP:  None.  With appellate court.

Bayfield Area Trails Group (BATG):  Discussion and possible action—Don talked to John Carlson about any potential concerns.  It is a good program that helps maintain trails.  We can always opt out, and we have no financial obligation.  Ideally someone from the Town Board would call in to the group’s monthly meetings which are on the second Tuesday of the month at 2:30. Motion made by Bill Bodin to approve participation in BATG once they send us the MOU and the Chair signs; seconded by Mike Garnich.  Motion carried.

Wilderness Inquiry annual permit:  Discussion and possible action—All permit application materials are in order and permit fee of $100 has been paid.  Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve permit for 2024; seconded by Bill Bodin.  Motion carried.

Wisconsin Lake Superior Scenic Byway Council Agreement termination:  Discussion and possible action—Mike Garnich stated that they do a good job in promoting shoreline, bring people to the area, and help local businesses.  Discussed that the group has not billed us regularly and is back-billing for 2023 while billing for 2024.  Motion made by Bill Bodin to pay dues for 2024 only; seconded by Mike Garnich.  Motion carried.  Money will come out of room taxes.

Town Board website and email system:  Microsoft will not approve as there is at least one other Town of Bayview in the country.  MS suggested for our email system.  Motion made by Don Jenicek to approve for our emails; seconded by Mike Garnich.  Motion carried.  Mike Garnich to let MS know of our decision.

Roads Report:  See Road Tour meeting minutes from May 6, 2024.

Board Comments: 

  1. Kevin Brisky, agent for Lakeside Minong LLC, Town Board Zoning recommendations for discussion and possible action—Lakeside Minong already operates a short-term rental within Town of Bayview and they always submit their quarterly reports in a timely manner and pay their room tax and/or alert us as to how much money we should expect to receive from third party payers. Requesting permit to operate additional short-term rental property at 26775 Freedom Valley Drive.  Motion made by Don Jenicek to approve short-term rental permit; seconded by Bill Bodin.  Motion carried.
  2. Mike Garnich commented that when we identify something on the road report two years in a row, it should bump up in priority/be higher priority than day-to-day maintenance work. We also need to be more specific with  communicating what we want when we work with Northwoods Paving.  And he feels we should pause any blacktopping until we can maintain what has already been done.

Payment of Bills:  Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve payment of Town bills from April 16, 2024 to May 7, 2024 in the amount of $83069.84; seconded by Bill Bodin.  Motion carried.


  • Received notice from Bayfield County Planning and Zoning Department that the Town septic tanks need to be pumped every 3 years and it has been 4 years, having last been pumped May 20, 2020. Clerk contacted Birch Street Septic and Excavating and requested tanks be pumped.  Clerk tried to register using an online site suggested by the County that would notify us when the tanks need pumping but the website did not work, even with help from the County working with the Clerk.  The County no longer sends out notices.

Next Town of Bayview Board meeting is set for June 4, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

Moton to adjourn was made by Bill Bodin, seconded by Mike Garnich.  Meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.



Submitted by:

Kim Suske, Clerk


Vol. 16 page 72                                                                                                                    Approved 06/04/2024