June 2023 Minutes

Town of Bayview

June 13, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Chair.

Roll call: Chair Don Jenicek, present; Supervisor Bill Bodin, present; Supervisor Mike Garnich, present; Clerk Kim

Suske, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present.

Others in attendance were: Butch Warren, Andrew O’Krueg, Shaleen O’Krueg, Bob Cuty, Nicola Cuty, Paul Norris, Bradley Olson, Mel Olson, Sue Radtke, Ross Lightner, Lisa Parkos, Paul Parkos, Rick Gustafson, Renee Gustafson, Ben Thoen, Scott Dohmen, Laura Dohmen, Lisa Alm, Lance Alm, Beret Casey, Dana Noteboom, Mike Fitzgibbon, Wanda Hyde, Cary Bouchard, Haydn Suske-Funk, Ellyn Suske-Funk, Tom Murphy, Wendy Murphy, Chris Engfer, Thomas Croteau, Mike Yonan.

Town Board Meeting Minutes from May 9, 2023: Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve with slight clarification to wording on one item; seconded by Bill Bodin. Motion carried.

Board of Review Meeting to Adjourn Minutes from June 5, 2023: Motion made by Bill Bodin to approve;

seconded by Mike Garnich. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report by Kelly Warren: Checking $34,162.94; Equipment $1,894.19; Room Tax $11,401.84; Contingency Fund $16,601.88 and Tax Levy Savings $116,931.93.

Town Board Email System: Discussed quote from townweb.com—price is very high. Will continue to explore options. Tabled until next month.

Class A Special Use Permit by Paul and Lisa Parkos for short-term rental at 26170 Freedom Valley Drive: Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve with condition that room tax be paid directly to Town of Bayview treasurer along with filing of quarterly report; seconded by Bill Bodin. Motion carried.

Class B Special Use Permit by Ross Lightner for mini-storage building on his Washington Avenue property: Several people spoke about concerns with this proposal and Mike Garnich read comments he received from three people with concerns. Motion made by Don Jenicek to approve with conditions: limited to 30 units, down-facing lighting (dark/night sky compliant), neutral color of structure; seconded by Mike Garnich. Motion carried.

Class B Reserve Liquor License for 3-T Enterprises LLC (DBA Good Thyme)—Motion made by Bill Bodin to approve;

seconded by Mike Garnich. Motion carried.

Class B Liquor License Valhalla Pub and Grub—Motion made by Bill Bodin to approve; seconded by Mike Garnich. Motion carried.

Citizen’s Concerns and Comments: Extensive discussion was held with residents regarding traffic and dust on Whiting Road. CAMBA will be asked to include language in their signage and brochure regarding driving respectfully and safely on the road. Concern was also brought up about the Houghton Falls gates being down.

HFNP: Don Jenicek read information about the May 30 ruling and the instructions that the Town received to remove gates and fences. This has also resulted in the removal of signs. Signs will be removed from gates and re- posted at the north and south ends of the park. We need to turn automatic gate back on. Town does not yet have written ruling by the judge—after that is received we will have more discussion about options.

Room Tax Committee member appointment: Board needs to have a motion annually in June to renew Room Tax Committee members. Don Jenicek made a motion to approve Bill Bodin as a representative of the Town Board and Jay Pringle as a representative of the town as committee members; seconded by Mike Garnich. Motion carried.

Bayfield County request for Town input on Town’s existing or future land use maps: Mike Garnich expressed concerns about County definitions of Coastal and Coastal Improved being applied to parcels on the lake side of Hwy 13 even if the property does not have waterfront. Town lists these properties as Residential. Board agreed with this concern needing to be brought to the County’s attention. Mike Garnich will follow up with making the County aware of our concern.

Whiting Road logging traffic concerns: Don emailed Jason Bodin about this and has not heard back. Board would like to move forward with a 20-ton weight limitation. Clerk to draft an ordinance.

Northwoods Paving for Bodin Road: Mike Garnich made a motion to approve and sign the proposal from Northwoods Paving for option one; seconded by Don Jenicek. Motion carried. Board asked Treasurer to look into financing.

Northwoods Paving for Big Rock Road: Bill Bodin made a motion to approve and sign the proposal from Northwoods Paving for overlay; seconded by Mike Garnich. Motion carried. Board asked Treasurer to look into financing.

Northwoods Paving for Bayview Park Road: Agreed to not sign estimate.

Roads Report:

Previous discussion about Whiting Road. We need a 5-year roads plan.

The new mower works well.

Discussed whether calcium chloride should be applied to roads that were recently graveled. There will be culvert work on Johnson-Leino Road.

Payment of Bills: Town bills from May 8 –June 12, 2023 are in the amount of $38,666.94. Motion made by Bill

Bodin to approve as presented; seconded by Mike Garnich. Motion carried.


Letter from Bayfield County Zoning shared regarding Special Use A Permit request by Lorraine Young for a camper on her property on Peacy Road. The application was denied and the camper needs to be removed by June 15, 2023.

Clerk informed the Board that the voting machine from ESS needed a new part; it has been repaired and returned and the cost was covered under warranty.

Clerk updated forms for Town Hall Rental (resident and non-resident forms), Table and Chair rental, and

Bayview Park Pavilion usage. Old forms will be removed from website and replaced with new forms. Letter received from Garolyn Nitka requesting placement of a bench at Bayview Beach in memory of her

father, Bill Houtary. Board in favor of allowing this within some parameters. Bill Bodin will follow up with this


Don Jenicek stated that we are being asked to help pay a small charge of about $50 for excavation work at the old landfill in Town of Washburn to determine its perimeter; Board was in favor of this.

Board of Review Open Book is scheduled for September 16, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Board of Review will reconvene for their meeting on September 27, 2023, from 6–8 p.m. Next Board meeting is set for July 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

Moton to adjourn was made by Bill Bodin, seconded by Mike Garnich. Meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.


Submitted by: Kim Suske, Clerk


Vol.16 page 57                                                                                                                     Approved 07/11/2023