January 2025 Minutes
Town of Bayview
January 14, 2025
Meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Chair.
Roll Call: Chair Don Jenicek, present; Supervisor Bill Bodin, present; Supervisor Mike Garnich, present; Clerk Kim Suske, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present.
Others in attendance: Mike Yonan, Paul Johnson, Paul Norris, Wanda Hyde.
Town Board Meeting Minutes from 12/03/2024: Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve as written; seconded by Bill Bodin. Motion carried.
Approval of 12/03/2024 Meeting Minutes for: Public Budget Hearing, Special Town Meeting of the Electors, and Town of Bayview Special Meeting to Adopt the 2025 Budget: Motion made by Bill Bodin to approve with one wording correction; seconded by Mike Garnich. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report by Kelly Warren: Checking $84,533.09; Equipment $3,401.14; Room Tax $7499.93; Contingency Fund $20,128.25; and Tax Levy Savings $291,860.92.
Citizen’s Concerns and Comments: Paul Norris commented that, “Everything’s great!” He feels the Town is heading in a good direction.
Bayview History Committee solar panel installation at Bayview Park—Discussion and possible action: Motion made by Mike Garnich to allow BHC to place a solar panel on the roof of the kiosk facing to the south; motion seconded by Bill Bodin with the reminder that the Town assumes no liability for loss. Motion carried.
Transfer money from contingency fund to cover renovations to old landfill—Discussion and possible action: Motion made by Don Jenicek to transfer $5,645.25 from contingency to cover landfill maintenance backfill project; seconded by Bill Bodin. Motion carried.
Town Hall cleaning: Tabled.
Houghton Falls Nature Preserve: No updates from the courts. The cold weather is affecting the functioning of the gate, so it is open.
Business of the Quarter: Motion made by Bill Bodin to recognize Good Thyme Restaurant as Business of the Quarter for first quarter of 2025; seconded by Don Jenicek. Motion carried.
Roads Report: Trees were cut on Bodin Road in preparation for ditching work this coming summer. A fire number sign was damaged and will be replaced but it takes 6-8 weeks to get a replacement sign. In the future, we need to notify landowners when we will be working in their area.
Board Comments: Board reviewed letter written by Clerk for short-term rental owners informing them of the recent changes to the Room Tax Ordinance. Discussed switching to Bayfield Chamber of Commerce once our contract with Washburn Chamber is over. A new computer was purchased for the Treasurer.
Payment of Bills: Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve payment of Town bills from December 4, 2024, to January 14, 2025 in the amount of $293,524.95; seconded by Don Jenicek. Motion carried.
Correspondence: Clerk shared Land Use Permit Application for a garage on N. Niemisto Rd. Bill Bodin shared that Tom Tiffany’s bill proposing national park status for Apostle Island’s National Lakeshore was not advanced forward for a vote in this session.
Motion was made at 7 p.m. to suspend the Board meeting and go into caucus; seconded by Don Jenicek. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Mike Garnich at 7:20 p.m. to go into closed session pursuant to WI State Statute 19.85 (1)(g) for discussion regarding potential litigation against the Town by Ed and Mary Gruhl.
Regular open Board meeting resumed at 7:35 p.m.
Next Town of Bayview Regular Board meeting is set for February 11, 2025, at 6:00 p.m.
Moton to adjourn was made by Bill Bodin; seconded by Don Jenicek. Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Submitted by
Kim Suske, Clerk
Vol. 17 page 01 Approved 02/11/2025