February 2023 Minutes

Town of Bayview

February 14th, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by the Chair.

Roll call: Supervisor Bill Bodin,  present; Chair Don Jenicek, present; Clerk Wanda Hyde, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present; Supervisor Mike Garnich absent.  Others present were Mike Yonan, Butch Warren and Kim Suske.

Minute of 1/10/2023.  Motion was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don Jenicek to approve as presented. Motion carried.

Treasurer report was given by Kelly Warren.  Checking account $$627,447.84; Equipment $5,892.50; Room tax $9,676.54; Contingency Fund $26,441.99 and Tax levy $146,340.51.

Bayfield Wireless was tabled until March for more information.

Town Newsletter was tabled until March.

Citizen’s concerns and comments – none at this time.

HFNP Update – Don Jenicek received a letter from Zaria Whitacre Landmark Conservancy working on

the Bayfield area trail map.  The changes to their information is “Parking is prohibited on Houghton Falls road. If the parking lot is full, please come back another  time.”

New Holland 108M Duradisc Disc Mower in the amount of $13,900 from Lulich Implement.  Motion was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don Jenicek to order Disc Mower with $4,000 to come from the Equipment fund and $9,900.00 to come from Contingency Fund. Motion carried.

Road Report by Mike Yonan.  Weather doesn’t look good and may need to get more salt/sand. Payment of bills in the amount of $583,945.96.  Motion was made by Don Jenicek seconded by Bill Bodin to approve as presented. Motion carried.

Correspondence – no action necessary.

Next meeting was set for March 14th, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don Jenicek. Submitted by:

Wanda Hyde, Clerk















Vol. 16 page 51                                                                                     March 14, 2023