August 2023 Minutes

Town of Bayview

August 8, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by Chair.

Roll call:  Chair Don Jenicek, present; Supervisor Mike Garnich, present; Clerk Kim Suske, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present; and Supervisor Bill Bodin, present.

Others in attendance:  Mike Yonan, Paul Johnson, Paul Norris, and Wanda Hyde.

Town Board Meeting Minutes from July 11, 2023:  Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve as written; seconded by Don Jenicek.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report by Kelly Warren: Checking $157,004.17; Equipment $3020.59; Room Tax $11,474.93; Contingency Fund $26,634.56 and Tax Levy Savings $87,123.32.  Kim, Kelly, and Don have all signed for the loan; awaiting paperwork from Bremer Bank.

Town Board Email System:  The new website is getting close to launching; old website already taken down by Superior Lighthouse LLC.  Discussed .gov versus; Board agreed that we will go with as this is what the county uses and also is a good identifier.  We will need to secure technical support for setting this up. New domain will be  Once Clerk gets the domain then Superior Lighthouse will assist with transition to new email addresses.

Citizen’s Concerns and Comments:  Concerns were expressed about the devastation to the local tree population by the spongy moth, formerly known as the gypsy moth.  In past years there was some spraying for this by the state but there is no funding for spraying.  Bayview History Committee requested Board approval to have Tom Cogger remove the pine tree that is down at Bayview Park; Board approved this.  The committee will be distributing a newsletter at the Town picnic that is a precursor to a planned book; Mike Bunch is restoring a “speeder” for display at the park.

Bench at Bayview Park:  Bill Bodin has assisted the family of William Houtary with the purchase of a recycled plastic bench that can be secured to the ground and will have a plaque or engraving in memory of Mr. Houtary.  Bench will be placed at an agreed-upon place near the Depot.  Family will pay for the bench costs.  Motion made by Don Jenicek to approve placement of bench; Seconded by Mike Garnich.  Motion carried.

HFNP:  The Town still does not have judge’s written ruling—after that is received we will have more discussion about options.  People are walking down railroad grade.

Bayfield County Zoning Comprehensive Plan: Bayfield County Planning and Zoning will hold three public comment sessions.  Recommend that the public attend.

Town Roads 15-ton Weight Limitation Ordinance for Whiting Road and portions of Maki Road and Big Rock Road:  Mike Garnich made a motion to approve the ordinance as written; seconded by Don Jenicek.  Motion carried.  Clerk will publish in Ashland Daily Press.

Northwoods Paving for Big Rock Road and Bodin Road—Update:  Big Rock Road paving project is done.  Bodin Road will be paved after August 19—needs re-grading first.

Bodin Road work preparation—Discussion and possible action:  We need some trees pulled back before blacktopping; Dan Maki at Viking Motors will be asked to do this.

Roads Report: 

  • Niemisto Road is done with the exception of ½ of the gravel that still needs to be placed.

Work on 5–year Road Plan:  Discussion about road plan.  Continue next month.

Payment of Bills:  Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve payment of town bills from July 12, 2023–August 8, 2023; seconded by Don Jenicek.  Motion carried.


  • Reviewed request for membership in Superior Rivers Watershed Association; will not be renewing
  • Reviewed meeting notification by Bayfield County Planning and Zoning Committee regarding an Ordinance Amendment pertaining to Amending Title 13 Article F (Sec. 13-1-107).

Board of Review: Open Book is scheduled for September 16, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Board of Review will reconvene for their meeting on September 27, 2023, from 6–8 p.m.

Next Board meeting is set for September 12, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

Moton to adjourn was made by Mike Garnich, seconded by Bill Bodin.  Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.


Submitted by:

Kim Suske, Clerk



Vol.16 page 59                                                                                                                     Approved 09/12/2023